tisdag 30 november 2010

Mån v 48

Sov bara 5 timmar och kände mig riktigt trött. Det tog en bra stund innan jag vaknade och jag kännet mig lite halvkrasslig med huvudvärk, nackspänning och lätt spänning bakom ögonen.

Denna dag är fullspäckad med lektioner och jag tänker därför inte försöka mig på administrativa uppgifter. Håller mig till planering (orientering i kurserna) och genomförandet av dem, "actio".

Id2009a svb
Skrev ut uppsatsens delmoment och bad eleverna fylla i. De jobbade vidare med uppsatsen. En del har knappt gjort någonting och kommer troligtvis inte bli klara. De är undflyende och försvinner iväg i en liten flock - som om det skulle hjälpa dem. (Undrar om det är en gammal flockinstinkt att samla ihop sig i en flock när man känner sig svag,"hotad" eller ansatt? Det är speciellt att det är de "svaga" - de som inte har gjort uppgiften och halkat efter - som samlas till flock istället för att söka sig till "starka" kompisar - sådana som ligger i fas och är skickliga.)

Som det är nu är det risk att de hamnar i en negativ spiral - de söker sig till andra som är svaga och bekräftar att det är ok och skapar en självbild som säger att de är sådana och inte kan bli bättre och därmed ger upp. Ingen utmanar dem eller hjälper och peppar dem och säger att de kan mer och kräver att de skall bli bättre. Den ende som utmanar är jag, men jag är maktlös mot gruppens makt. Bara om varje enskild individ lyssnar och tar emot mina ord, kommer förändringen att ske. Men de måste tro på mig.

Id2008b svb
Klassen förberedde sig för taldelen i nationella provet i svenska b. De skulle ha gjort färdgt innehållet och skulle träna på varandra.

Många var inte klara och vissa var borta. En var klar och testade på mig. Klart VG. Kommer troligtvis bli MVG om vissa saker åtgärdas.

Id2010a sva
Fortsatte med uppsatsen. De kryssade för alla delmoment som de gjort och fortsatte jobba. Ett gäng satt kvar i klassrummet och fick hjälp med lite av varje. Den elev som ville ha mycket hjälp hade tagit med sitt material och visade prov på läsförståelse vilket lättade mitt hjärta litet. Han hade dock svårt att förstå poängen med uppsats och känner sig troligtvis osäker.

Åkte raka vägen till B och körde bil. Fick lite middag där.

Därefter var det raka spåret till balkonginformationsmöte. Det skall byggas balkong där vi bor.

En andlig förberedelse för konflikt kan släppa in Kraft som utvecklar.

Genom att reflektera över dagens händelser

kan man plötsligt se sammanhang och lägga

märke till detaljer som annars skulle förbli obemärkta.

Hit skall min Kraft


måndag 29 november 2010

En fråga - a question

Skall jag skriva på svenska, engelska eller både och?

Should I write in swedish, english or both?

fredag 26 november 2010

Friday w 47 - work piles getting smaller

Early bird and quite tired, but woke up during my way to school. Had a good day without stress.

Gave the class the speech assigment belonging to the national test. Saw some examples on the screen and atarted to work with the speech. The content of the speech must be done before next lesson. The class was doing ok.

Other duties
Checking up importent info and making important calls. Tic:ed off some stuff from my to-do-list and filed some new.

Did some new planning with the class and checked up their progress. Seems only three or four have managed to formulate a research topic and find good sources. Some seems very lost. Shall I change task for them? They are writing a sort of extended essay.

Most of the pupils got to work and I was busy running around answering question and helping some verify their research topic.

Some went to the library other to group places. Got almost everybody going but the time ran out and they must work a lot at home.

One of the pupils keeps asking for help all the time and doesn't try to think by himself at all. Wonder the students expects me to do the work for him?  He doesn't seem to understand or remember the assigment even after multiple explanations. He claims he does not understand what he reads. Will talk to him to see what it's all about and maybe consult a pedagogue of special needs if neccesary.

Unfortunatly, I have seen some pedagogues of special needs from high school, or even earlier stages, "helped" their students getting through their courses, almost doing the assigments for them, instead of helping the students couping with their handicap and do things by themselves; thereby improving and developing them, instead of handicap them futher by doing things for them.

When lesson was over I packed my things and went home. Weekend. Yay!

Have to use my eyes and follow the signals and act immediatly instead of waiting. Some waiting is correct in order to understand and decipher but then it's time to act.

torsdag 25 november 2010

Thursday w 47 - an ordinary Thursday

Got in later then plannedu because of traffic problems. Snow has fallen and always seems to catch everybody by surprice even if it comes every year!

Religion class
Watched streamin movies about hinduism today. Wanted to show a movie from our "stash" but it was already taken, so we used both SLI and Youtube and watched. Afterwards we commented and discussed and took notes.

Students showed very patience and creativity when things didn't work as planned and contributed to the lesson with information, solutions and feedback.

Religion again
Had last lesson on christianity and a reward for the three best on the test, just for the fun of it.

We had made a competition with the "learning tests" to add some extra fun to it. Everybody had the opportunity to do the tests once each day and got their results immediatly. Everybody knew who had the best points and had a last go at them before reward was given.

The point with learning tests is to learn. The pupils are given study question and can look up information in the book or internet and study. The test is a multiple choise test where many alternatives can be true. Some of the answers are directly from the book while others require that the student understood the meaning behind the wordings of the book. The questions and their answers comes in different order for every student and they have 20 min to complete the test. Only the best results counts.

I follow up these test, which are more fundamental, with other tasks where the pupils must use their knowledge to solve problems, show how things are connected and build new knowledge.

Even if I think I know what will happen and have a plan, I must scrutinize it more. I didn't prepare enough (did only the intellectual part, but not the visualization and contemplation-part etc) on my way to school which gave negative result. Not much but still.

Wednesday w 47 - long time passing untill open house

Had a long but lesson free day which ended with an open house. Sat and examined hand-ins and updated the lesson logs for every course I have all day long.

Am waiting for log ins to Euphorus (a cheat finding database which can be used together with Fronter) and sended a mail telling their people I couldn't log in.

Did som mail job, readin, throwing and filing mails. Always avoid that because it takes a lot of time, but finally I have to deal I get quite a lot of mail.

Participated in the open house in the evening answering questions and directing people to the builder program (which I belong to beginning next school year).


Realized a bit more what great Power lies hidden in plain sight in Person.

Tuesday w 37 - game day & PBL

Tuesdays are much more relaxed. Only got one class where pupils study something they decide by themselves (school work). The problem here is to get them to do proper work and the collegues have therefore given the pupils the task of setting a goal for todays studies and follow up their result helping them evaluating their efforts. Did they finish what they planned?

Football training
Started this day with a football training session (not the everyday-start-of-the-day!). I was invited by one of the trainers and thought it would be great to see the sport students in their natural enviroment so to speak. It was also a great opportunity to watch how sport teachers and football (soccer) trainers works.

It went fairily well, being me. Am not a sporty type and don't train much. Haven't played football many times in my life. I had a good workout. The part where you control the ball and send to a partner back and fourth went...well, let's say that "feeble" is an understatement!

Did better when we played short matches. Managed to make a goal (unheard of!) With good support and a nice ball from one of the teachers. My team won 2-1. And, oh, did I say that the teachers played against the girls? ;)

Other duties
We had breakfast after training and after that I had a transfer-talk over a mentor student.

Sat and helped pupils with their paper and discussed imported things with a collegue. Got some tips about Skype and other stuff (ict-related) and installed it on my Droid.

Had some time for updating my lessonlogs on Fronter and go through my planning of courses. Communicated with former pupil on Skype and a teacher of a course which I'm attending. Had a session with a teacher, teaching her Fronter.

That done went to religion class. Had a visiting teacher student in class whom I prepared by putting the lession in context. Good conversation. Then had a great lesson (because of both me and the pupils) where we worked after PBL and entrepreneur pedagogy. The pupils where focused and creative and shared their knowledge, building up a great lesson.

Most important work is the work which is invisabe. All participating and conversations is a way of letting in Power to the people, groups and organization and building relation which will make them and me grow. Teaching in class is only the tip of the iceberg. This is also part of Teaching (growing).

Monday w 37 - time shortage

Busy day like all Mondays. Four lessons and a mentor class in a row. Hardly time to eat and no proper time between lessons.

2:nd year
Started with the 2:nd year. Had a bit of problems with my printer which took time and initiative from my lesson.

We worked with their papers today. Had to change the deadline since we lost some lessons due to my sick leave and and other shool activities. They must finish each step in a week, which leaves us four weeks to complete the whole paper. Had to put some preassure on them to get them to work.

Somehow I doubt that they will make it, well some of them will of course, but many will turn in crappy papers, I'm afraid. Well that is also a learning experience.

They sat and talked a lot and lost their focus time and again. I told them that and had a little lecture of the importance of paying attention to what they are doing and saying and what other are saying, especially teachers since they give them instructions. Even when saying that, I noticed at least five, maybe eight people who didn't listen.

Had mentor class without my mentor collegue. Even if information was short, pupils had a lot to say and ask which resultet in me coming late the next lesson.

3:rd year
Gave them the second part of the national test in mother language, which is speech. They refreshed their memory about the laws of speech and trained referring to sources. We also watched examples of speech and discussed the grades.

They where focused and and payed attention. Most of them worked hard.

1:st year
Had to dash of to the next lesson (on Mondasys, they are all piled on top of the other with only a few minutes between) and help the librarian to rig the projector and computer. Had forgotten to publish the whereabouts of todays lesson on Fronter but one student had seen me and messed the class so they found me.

Lesson went good but they where a bit noisy and lost their focus when they felt that they understood the point and were fed up with examples or found something embarresing. (At their age they experience more things as embarresing then later in life. Lessons are always artificial and lectures often tries to catch the people with least understanding to ensure that everybody gets it, but that is not always ok with pupils.) There is also a conflikt in the group between some of the boys and at least one of the girls.

The librarian got her point through and made the lecture interactive with test text and finshed with a youtube clip. Message repeted three times in three different ways. Perfect to the book.

Short talk afterwards, evaluating the lessonand he pupils reactions. Planned the next lesson briefly and finished the day.

The days theme is shortage of time because I haven't prepared myself mentally (focus, visualisation) and spiritually (meditation contemplation, IP and Dialogue).

My other duties require a lot of attention this time of year;organizing the national test and planning the budget etc. The shortage of time is also due to schedules of course but that is out of my limits and is therefor just something I have to deal with.

Still the message is clear: prepare and do the right things. Prioriate the most important things first. It starts spiritually and then goes over to mentally to end with pure intellectual planning and then of course keep track of time and act.

fredag 19 november 2010

A good friday

Early bird after a late evening. Early to work with lot of class-free time. Could finaly catch up with other duties, even re-filing First lesson was turned into self study class (students request) and the second was cancelled because of some fellow collegues who wanted to re-do the deviding of tests. Took an hour!

That sorted went to a meeting with the librarian whom I have a twinning project with (about finding and valuating good information on Internet and use it correctly in essays and papers; quoting and referring sources) and prepared the next session.

Even managed to file importand papers and sorting out old stuff and return books and piles of papers to their right places.

Weekend with some peace after all hard work and strain.

Horrible day

It has been a horrible day. Started with the deviding of national tests where only four persons out of ten came. When faced with this circumstance we made a decision on how to devide the tests examine them.

Later this day people who weren't there was not pleased with the results and complained and forced through a decision which means that we'll have to do the whole thing again.

Still haven't finished the budget and a student in despair knocks on the door proclaiming that he is in trouble because he had not studied and needed some advise and encouragement which he got because he needs it and really had come to a decision to start studying.

Sat with him for at least half an hour giving him advice looking through his study situation,  schedual made a study plan and calmed him down.

When that was sorted I had to go to catch the train and buy some stuff. Had to take the budget home to finish it.

onsdag 17 november 2010

#teacher Busy body

Lots of work tomorrow:
sorting and dividing tests among examinators (myself included) early, making the budget for the department of mother language and having a study talk with a pupil and parents as well. And ah, yes, lessons as usual.


One thing's for sure - you don't get bored - you don't have the time! ;)

tisdag 16 november 2010

National test

Today is the day of the great national test in mother language. Lots of students are nervous and keep asking things I already have said.

Desided to upload some basic instruktion on an event on facebook.

Amazing to see how quickly some people answered their invitation and started diskussions in that event.

Now they got their instructions and only have to deal with their own wild hourses. I wish them all good inspiration and a good learning experience.

måndag 15 november 2010

Fredag; avslut och nystart

Hade endast två lektioner idag. Första klassen tränade inför nationella provet. Hade tyvärr blivit av med en lektion när jag varit sjuk och klassen hade segat sig så mycket att vi inte hunnit med talet eller hela planeringen. Bestämde mig för att låta dem göra talet efter skrivdelen (vilket är helt ok om än inte helt ultimat) och gav dem återstående material att läsa in på egen hand.

Det får gå som det går. De har fått mycket tid för detta och har också fått möjlighet till träning, självbedömning och se hur systemet fungerar. De har dock valt att inte ta chansen och har slöat och varit passiva. Jag får nöja mig med min insats. Jag kan ju inte göra jobbet åt dem! Jag är inte nöjd dock.

Den andra klassen var bättre. Eleverna är mer motiverade och försöker verkligen. Visst finns det några som inte gör det de skall, men i det stora hela kämpar var och en efter sin förmåga. Hann kolla upp var eleverna befann sig och satt sedan och hjälpte några med lästeknik och förklarade ord. Jag visade dem strukturen igen och bad dem titta noga på den och följa den.

Experiment använda Wordpress i skolarbete

Måste göra ett experiment och använda wordpress-blogg i skolarbete. Vill se hur det funkar med flera som publicerar. Klasstidning och delningscenter (Wiki) kan vara bra tillämpningsområden.


Får kalla det nog för idag. Går hem från biblioteket och äter.

Har även pillat lite med bloggen och justerat en del inställningar. Tänker anmäla mig gratis till toolkit-någonting för att kunna ändra på Font - stil och storlek. Får se om bloggen blir snyggare.

Måste säga att det är mer komplicerat på Wordpress men man kan göra massa intressanta saker när man väl fattar allt.

Arbetsdag i bibliotek

Sitter och arbetar från ett bibliotek idag. Har hunnit med det mesta men sitter också och väntar på svar från två personer. Lite irriterande att sitta och vänta och vara beroende av andra människors agerande innan man själv kan sätta igång.

onsdag 10 november 2010

En tröttande dag

Har varit en ganska tröttnat dag. Har blivit kraftigt dränerad på energi.

Har mycket att göra men verkade inte få så mycket gjort. All energi gick åt annat än vad jag räknat med.

Hade mycket energi när jag kom imorse, men fick ge den åt en kollega som behövde.

Har en del saker som hänger över mig vilket också det dränerar mig; beställning av usb etc inför nationella provet (np:-) ) uppdatering av instruktionerna till NP, kolla Euphorus - plagiathittarprogram, äska budget för svenskämnet, fylla i utvecklingssamtalsprotokoll på skola24, uppdatera alla kursloggar och gå igenom alla inlämningar på Fronter.

Hade även ett möte som fullständigt tog resten av energin.

Dropbox – helt otroligt bra!

Har utforskat Dropbox på www.dropbox.com och det är något alla borde ha. Gratis utrymme på nätet som synkas automatiskt mellan olika datorer; både din stationära dator, laptop och smartphone (Android eller Iphone) kommer att kunna dela dina filer -  dokument, musik och bilder.

tisdag 9 november 2010

Ny laptop hemma

Har köpt en laptop! Yay! Barnsligt förtjust. Varför? Vet inte...tycker det bara. Har installerat allt nu och skall fixa lite gratis antivirusskydd och open officer.

Bra dag i allmänhet. Lite saker som vände upp och ned på saker bara...fick byta lektion med en kollega med kort varsel och hade lite omskakande samtal med rektorn angående arbetslagsplacering efter Gymnasiereformen 2011. Kommer att ha kvar mina nuvarande klasser till alla på ID-prog gått ut.

Tror ändå att det kommer bli bra. Får lita på Försynen.

Time is wierd

Tims is a wierd thing. Sometimes running away, sometimes creeping at a murderous slow pace.

An author once said that if you want to experience a long life, you should sit in a dentists waiting room or stand in a que.

Even teachers must learn

Had a driving lesson today. It went fairly well. Learned some good things which will become much better. Had learned todays lesson and got another.

A good teacher must be a person who also is learning something to keep the learning process fresh in mind.

måndag 8 november 2010

Darkness lag

Saw the first signs of darkness lag when checking my courses today, which distressed me more then I expected.

Also had a turbulent day starting with finding the school network down and every plan spoiled because of that. 

lördag 6 november 2010

New school 5 - 1 to 1 (a laptop to every student)

It's not just adding a laptop - it's changing the very approach and old structure in school.

New school 4

Approach to knowledge vill change. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time, students vill be encouraged to discover new things.

New school 3

Doesn't some thing need to be repeated? Well, of course. Some concepts must stay in order to develop a skill, eg math.

New school 2

School will put skills first and will be ready to change the way to train them if needed be. The change is first of all a change in viewing

New school 1

It's not the content, but the skill that must be focused on in school. Among the most important are self evaluation.

Some hold back

Some hold back their creativity and playfullness out of fear. Fear of what I wonder?

About students

Strange 2 see how students often gets surprized when encountering a human

Done organizing national test

My worries was only partially true. Had to collect and type it all in one place. Now it's sorted!

1 to 1 (a laptop to every student)

It's not just adding a laptop - it's changing the very approach and old structure in school.

A good start of the day

A good breakfast and some training. Will do some cleaning before expected guests arrive.

Don't like the neighbour's taste in music - fake country. (Dansbandsmusik).

fredag 5 november 2010

Love my fireplace

Just love my open fireplace. It's really calming and relaxing with a an open fire.