söndag 31 oktober 2010

Red stars in the warmth

Sittong before the fire, watching the last of it glow like red stars in the warm darkness of the hearth.

Tomorrow I'm going to school, educating collegues using a tool in our platform called "test". The other days will be working from home which will be a blizz.

Soon my autumn holiday starts with nice visits, dinners and evenings with the fire. Will make the Plumpudding also.

fredag 29 oktober 2010


Afraid that administration personnel "coited" things up...Will be hell if it's not sorted by monday. Major test is coming upp and everything must be organized by now.


Must get out and get some air! Been sitting in front of computer to long.

Staying home still means working

In these days with all IT-tech, staying home because one is sick means working from home.

One should get full payment!

Started a blog

To have a forum to write from.