torsdag 25 november 2010

Monday w 37 - time shortage

Busy day like all Mondays. Four lessons and a mentor class in a row. Hardly time to eat and no proper time between lessons.

2:nd year
Started with the 2:nd year. Had a bit of problems with my printer which took time and initiative from my lesson.

We worked with their papers today. Had to change the deadline since we lost some lessons due to my sick leave and and other shool activities. They must finish each step in a week, which leaves us four weeks to complete the whole paper. Had to put some preassure on them to get them to work.

Somehow I doubt that they will make it, well some of them will of course, but many will turn in crappy papers, I'm afraid. Well that is also a learning experience.

They sat and talked a lot and lost their focus time and again. I told them that and had a little lecture of the importance of paying attention to what they are doing and saying and what other are saying, especially teachers since they give them instructions. Even when saying that, I noticed at least five, maybe eight people who didn't listen.

Had mentor class without my mentor collegue. Even if information was short, pupils had a lot to say and ask which resultet in me coming late the next lesson.

3:rd year
Gave them the second part of the national test in mother language, which is speech. They refreshed their memory about the laws of speech and trained referring to sources. We also watched examples of speech and discussed the grades.

They where focused and and payed attention. Most of them worked hard.

1:st year
Had to dash of to the next lesson (on Mondasys, they are all piled on top of the other with only a few minutes between) and help the librarian to rig the projector and computer. Had forgotten to publish the whereabouts of todays lesson on Fronter but one student had seen me and messed the class so they found me.

Lesson went good but they where a bit noisy and lost their focus when they felt that they understood the point and were fed up with examples or found something embarresing. (At their age they experience more things as embarresing then later in life. Lessons are always artificial and lectures often tries to catch the people with least understanding to ensure that everybody gets it, but that is not always ok with pupils.) There is also a conflikt in the group between some of the boys and at least one of the girls.

The librarian got her point through and made the lecture interactive with test text and finshed with a youtube clip. Message repeted three times in three different ways. Perfect to the book.

Short talk afterwards, evaluating the lessonand he pupils reactions. Planned the next lesson briefly and finished the day.

The days theme is shortage of time because I haven't prepared myself mentally (focus, visualisation) and spiritually (meditation contemplation, IP and Dialogue).

My other duties require a lot of attention this time of year;organizing the national test and planning the budget etc. The shortage of time is also due to schedules of course but that is out of my limits and is therefor just something I have to deal with.

Still the message is clear: prepare and do the right things. Prioriate the most important things first. It starts spiritually and then goes over to mentally to end with pure intellectual planning and then of course keep track of time and act.

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