torsdag 25 november 2010

Tuesday w 37 - game day & PBL

Tuesdays are much more relaxed. Only got one class where pupils study something they decide by themselves (school work). The problem here is to get them to do proper work and the collegues have therefore given the pupils the task of setting a goal for todays studies and follow up their result helping them evaluating their efforts. Did they finish what they planned?

Football training
Started this day with a football training session (not the everyday-start-of-the-day!). I was invited by one of the trainers and thought it would be great to see the sport students in their natural enviroment so to speak. It was also a great opportunity to watch how sport teachers and football (soccer) trainers works.

It went fairily well, being me. Am not a sporty type and don't train much. Haven't played football many times in my life. I had a good workout. The part where you control the ball and send to a partner back and fourth went...well, let's say that "feeble" is an understatement!

Did better when we played short matches. Managed to make a goal (unheard of!) With good support and a nice ball from one of the teachers. My team won 2-1. And, oh, did I say that the teachers played against the girls? ;)

Other duties
We had breakfast after training and after that I had a transfer-talk over a mentor student.

Sat and helped pupils with their paper and discussed imported things with a collegue. Got some tips about Skype and other stuff (ict-related) and installed it on my Droid.

Had some time for updating my lessonlogs on Fronter and go through my planning of courses. Communicated with former pupil on Skype and a teacher of a course which I'm attending. Had a session with a teacher, teaching her Fronter.

That done went to religion class. Had a visiting teacher student in class whom I prepared by putting the lession in context. Good conversation. Then had a great lesson (because of both me and the pupils) where we worked after PBL and entrepreneur pedagogy. The pupils where focused and creative and shared their knowledge, building up a great lesson.

Most important work is the work which is invisabe. All participating and conversations is a way of letting in Power to the people, groups and organization and building relation which will make them and me grow. Teaching in class is only the tip of the iceberg. This is also part of Teaching (growing).

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